パラメータ名 Parameter name |
意味 Meaning |
可能なパラメータ値 Allowed parameter values |
デフォルト値 Default value |
point | 投影したい点の\((x,y)\)座標\(\posx_p\)。 The \((x,y)\) coordinate of the point to be projected (\(\posx_p\)). |
\(x\)座標と\(y\)座標をカンマ(,)で区切って並べた文字列。 A string composed of \(x\)- and \(y\)-coordinates separated by a comma (,). |
省略不可 Cannot be omitted |
origin | 投影断面の一方の端(始点)の\((x,y)\)座標\(\posx_o\)。 The \((x,y)\) coordinate of one end (the origin) of the section to project (\(\posx_o\)). |
\(x\)座標と\(y\)座標をカンマ(,)で区切って並べた文字列。 A string composed of \(x\)- and \(y\)-coordinates separated by a comma (,). |
省略不可 Cannot be omitted |
destination | 投影断面の他方の端(終点)の\((x,y)\)座標\(\posx_d\)。 The \((x,y)\) coordinate of the other end (the destination) of the section to project (\(\posx_d\)). |
\(x\)座標と\(y\)座標をカンマ(,)で区切って並べた文字列。 A string composed of \(x\)- and \(y\)-coordinates separated by a comma (,). |
省略不可 Cannot be omitted |
max_distance | \(\posx_p\)と投影断面との間の距離の許容最大値\(d^{max}\)。 The maximum allowed distance, \(d^{max}\), between \(\posx_p\) and the section to project. |
正の実数。 A positive real number. |
省略時は距離の上限無しとなる。 When omitted, there is no upper limit of the distance. |