関数IAPWS95_calculate_density_givenTP マニュアル

(The documentation of function IAPWS95_calculate_density_givenTP)

Last Update: 2023/9/19


Wagner and Pruss (2002)の状態方程式を用いて 指定された温度・圧力を与える密度を計算する。 相は温度・圧力に基づいて自動で判定する。
Compute the density for given temperature and pressure using the equation of state of Wagner and Pruss (2002). The phase is automatically identified from the given temperature and pressure.


#include <IAPWS95/given_TP.h>
inline double IAPWS95_calculate_density_givenTP
(const double T,const double P,const char ∗order)


T 温度[K]。
The temperature [K].
P 圧力[Pa]。
The pressure [Pa].
order T, Pがちょうど相境界の場合の採用する密度の優先順位を表す文字列。 以下の選択肢のいずれかとする。
A string that represents the priority of the density adopted if T and P is on the phase boundary. The value must be one of the following choices.

  • "lgs"
    The densities of liquid, gas, and supercritical fluid with the highest, middle, and lowest priorities, respectively.

  • "lsg"
    The densities of liquid, supercritical fluid, and gas with the highest, middle, and lowest priorities, respectively.

  • "gls"
    The densities of gas, liquid, and supercritical fluid with the highest, middle, and lowest priorities, respectively.

  • "gsl"
    The densities of gas, supercritical fluid, and liquid with the highest, middle, and lowest priorities, respectively.

  • "slg"
    The densities of supercritical fluid, liquid, and gas with the highest, middle, and lowest priorities, respectively.

  • "sgl"
    The densities of supercritical fluid, gas, and liquid with the highest, middle, and lowest priorities, respectively.

◆戻り値(Return value)

温度\(T\),圧力\(P\)を与える密度[kg m\(^{-3}\)]。
The density [kg m\(^{-3}\)] for the given temperature \(T\) and pressure \(P\).


const double T=300.0;
const double P=5.0e+06;
double rho=IAPWS95_calculate_density_givenTP(T,P,"lsg");