関数doubleRound マニュアル

(The documentation of function doubleRound)

Last Update: 2021/12/17


Round a real number to the closest real number with a specified number of digits in the decimal part.


#include <doublemath.h>
inline double doubleRound(const double original,const int Ndigits)


original 丸めたい実数。
The real number to be rounded.
Ndigits 残す小数部の桁数。
The number of digits in the decimal part to be remained.

◆戻り値(Return value)

The rounded value of original, remaining Ndigits digits for the decimal part.


double d0=doubleRound(12.345678,0); //12.0
double d1=doubleRound(12.345678,1); //12.3
double d2=doubleRound(12.345678,2); //12.34
double d3=doubleRound(12.345678,3); //12.346
double d4=doubleRound(12.345678,4); //12.3457