x1 | 三角形の1つ目の頂点の\(x\)座標。 The \(x\)-coordinate of the 1st vertex of the triangle. |
y1 | 三角形の1つ目の頂点の\(y\)座標。 The \(y\)-coordinate of the 1st vertex of the triangle. |
x2 | 三角形の2つ目の頂点の\(x\)座標。 The \(x\)-coordinate of the 2nd vertex of the triangle. |
y2 | 三角形の2つ目の頂点の\(y\)座標。 The \(y\)-coordinate of the 2nd vertex of the triangle. |
x3 | 三角形の3つ目の頂点の\(x\)座標。 The \(x\)-coordinate of the 3rd vertex of the triangle. |
y2 | 三角形の3つ目の頂点の\(y\)座標。 The \(y\)-coordinate of the 3rd vertex of the triangle. |
x3 | 三角形の3つ目の頂点の\(x\)座標。 The \(x\)-coordinate of the 3rd vertex of the triangle. |
xc | 外接円の中心点の\(x\)座標の代入先。
宣言しただけのdouble型変数に&を付けて与える。 Memory into which the \(x\)-coordinate of the center of the circumscribed circle is to be inserted. Give an empty double-type variable with &. |
yc | 外接円の中心点の\(y\)座標の代入先。
宣言しただけのdouble型変数に&を付けて与える。 Memory into which the \(y\)-coordinate of the center of the circumscribed circle is to be inserted. Give an empty double-type variable with &. |
r | 外接円の半径の代入先。
宣言しただけのdouble型変数に&を付けて与える。 Memory into which the radius of the circumscribed circle is to be inserted. Give an empty double-type variable with &. |