A | LU分解をしたい行列\(\myvector{A}\)。正方行列のみ可。 The matrix \(\myvector{A}\) for which the LU decomposition is to be calculated. This must be a square matrix. |
戻り値のメンバ Member of the return value |
値 Value |
L | LU分解で得られた下三角行列\(\myvector{L}\)。 The lower triangular matrix \(\myvector{L}\) obtained by the LU decomposition. |
U | LU分解で得られた上三角行列\(\myvector{U}\)。 The lower triangular matrix \(\myvector{U}\) obtained by the LU decomposition. |
各\(i\)に対するpivot[i] pivot[i] for each \(i\) |
pivot[i]\(=I\)である。 The row index of \(\myvector{A}\) corresponding to the \(i\)th row of \(\myvector{A^{(N-1)}}\). For example, pivot[i]\(=I\) if \(a_{ij}^{(N-1)}=a_{Ij}\), where \(a_{ij}\) and \(a_{ij}^{(N-1)}\) represent \((i,j)\)th component of matrices \(\myvector{A}\) and \(\myvector{A^{(N-1)}}\), respectively. |
表1. 計算の各ステップで求める行列成分と必要な行列成分 Table 1. Components of matrices computed and needed in individual steps
表2. 計算式とプログラムの変数の対応関係 Table 2. Relation between the variables in the formulas and program code