A | 連立方程式の左辺の係数行列。
(\ref{eq.problem})式の\(\myvector{A}\)。 A matrix composed of the coefficients in the left hand side of the simultaneous equation; the matrix \(\myvector{A}\) of eq. (\ref{eq.problem}). |
b | 連立方程式の右辺の定数ベクトル。
(\ref{eq.problem})式の\(\myvector{b}\)。 A vector composed of the constants in the right hand side of the simultaneous equation; the column vector \(\myvector{b}\) of eq. (\ref{eq.problem}). |
struct matrix A; struct columnvector b; struct LU AA_LU=LU_decomposition(A); struct columnvector x=solution_LU_givenLUdecomposition(AA_LU,b); |
struct matrix A; struct columnvector b; struct LU AA_LU=LU_decomposition(A); struct columnvector x=solution_LU_givenLUdecomposition(AA_LU,b); |