関数multiply_diagonal_matrix マニュアル

(The documentation of function multiply_diagonal_matrix)

Last Update: 2021/12/6


Calculate the product of two diagonal matrices.


#include <matrix/operation.h>
inline struct diagonal_matrix multiply_diagonal_matrix
(const struct diagonal_matrix A,const struct diagonal_matrix B)


A 積の計算に用いる1つ目の対角行列\(\myvector{A}\)。
The first diagonal matrix \(\myvector{A}\) used in the calculation of the product.
B 積の計算に用いる2つ目の対角行列\(\myvector{B}\)。 行数は\(\myvector{A}\)の列数と等しくなければならない。
The second diagonal matrix \(\myvector{B}\) used in the calculation of the product. The number of rows of \(\myvector{B}\) must be equal to the number of columns of \(\myvector{A}\).

◆戻り値(Return value)

対角行列\(\myvector{A}\myvector{B}\)を表す構造体。 戻り値のメンバの値は以下のようになる。
A structure which represents a diagonal matrix \(\myvector{A}\myvector{B}\). The values of members of the return value are as follows.

Member of the return value

rowmax A.rowmax
columnmax B.columnmax
size A.rowmaxとB.columnmaxのうちの小さい方。
Smaller one of A.rowmax and B.columnmax.
rank A.rankとB.rankのうちの小さい方。
Smaller one of A.rank and B.rank.
main[i] for each \(i\)
allocated ’y’


struct diagonal_matrix A,B;
struct diagonal_matrix C=multiply_diagonal_matrix(A,B);