関数ray_depth_givenAngle_1Dscalar マニュアル

(The documentation of function ray_depth_givenAngle_1Dscalar)

Last Update: 2021/12/6


Calculate the depth where the ray first reaches a given angle using a given 1D velocity structure.


#include <ray/calculate1Dscalar.h>
inline double ray_depth_givenAngle_1Dscalar
(const double p,const struct _1DvelocityStructure structure, const double angle)


p 波線パラメータ。
A ray parameter.
structure 1次元速度構造。
A 1D velocity structure.
angle 角度(°)。
An angle (degrees).

◆戻り値(Return value)

波線と鉛直方向とのなす角がangleになる深さ。 なお速度構造が単調増加でない場合は解が複数存在しうるが、 最初にangleになる深さを返す。
The depth where the ray angle from the vertical becomes the value angle. In cases where the velocity structure is not a monotonic increase function, there may be two or more solutions. In such cases, the first (i.e., shallowest) depth where the ray angle reaches the value angle is returned.


struct _1DvelocityStructure structure;
double depth=ray_depth_givenAngle_1Dscalar(0.001,structure,45.0);