関数imsequence2_divided_by_complex マニュアル

(The documentation of function imsequence2_divided_by_complex)

Last Update: 2023/6/29


Divide a Fourier spectrum by a constant value (i.e., structure ÷ constant).


#include <sequence/operation.h>
inline struct imsequence2 imsequence2_divided_by_complex
(struct imsequence2 a,const double complex b)


a 商の計算に用いるフーリエスペクトル。
The Fourier spectrum used for the computation of the quotient.
b 商の計算において分母として用いる定数。
The constant used for the denominator of the quotinent.

◆戻り値(Return value)

A structure that represents \(a/b\). The values of members of the return value are as below.

Member of the return value

size a.size
t0 a.t0
dt a.dt
value[i] for each \(i\)
a.value[i]/bであり、 関数CKcdivideを用いて計算する
a.value[i]/b computed by function CKcdivide


struct imsequence2 a;
double complex b=1.2+3.4∗I;
struct imsequence2 c=imsequence2_divided_by_complex(a,b);