statistics.h マニュアル

(The documentation of statistics.h)

Last update: 2021/12/16

statistics.hでは 様々な統計量を計算する関数が定義されている。 このヘッダファイル内で定義されている関数を以下に示す。 各関数の詳細は関数名をクリックしてリンク先を参照のこと。
Functions to compute various statistical quantities are defined in statistics.h. Functions defined in this header file are listed below. For details of individual functions, click the links.

Function name
[Documentation is not open as it is under revision]
Calculate the average of the components of an array of real numbers.
[Documentation is not open as it is under revision]
Calculate the standard deviation of the components of an array of real numbers, where the number of data is used for the denominator.
[Documentation is not open as it is under revision]
実数値配列の要素の標準偏差 (不偏分散に対応して「データ数\(-1\)」を分母とするもの) を計算する。
Calculate the standard deviation of the components of an array of real numbers, where the number of data subtracted by 1 is used for the denominator to be consistent with an unbiased variance.
[Documentation is not open as it is under revision]
Calculate the weighted average of the components of an array of real numbers.
[Documentation is not open as it is under revision]
Calculate the weighted standard deviation of the components of an array of real numbers, where the sum of the weights is used for the denominator.
[Documentation is not open as it is under revision]
実数値のリストから大きい方と小さい方の一定割合を除いた上で 平均値を計算する。
Calculate the average of a list of real numbers, excluding a given fraction in larger and smaller sides.
[Documentation is not open as it is under revision]
実数値のリストから大きい方と小さい方の一定割合を除いた上で 標準偏差(データ数を分母とするもの)を計算する。
Calculate the standard deviation of a list of real numbers, excluding a given fraction in larger and smaller sides; the number of data is used for the denominator.
[Documentation is not open as it is under revision]
実数値のリストから大きい方と小さい方の一定割合を除いた上で 標準偏差(不偏分散に対応して「データ数\(-1\)」を分母とするもの) を計算する。
Calculate the standard deviation of a list of real numbers, excluding a given fraction in larger and smaller sides; the number of data subtracted by 1 is used for the denominator to be consistent with an unbiased variance.
[Documentation is not open as it is under revision]
実数値のリストから大きい方と小さい方の一定割合を除いた上で 重み付き平均を計算する。
Calculate the weighted average of a list of real numbers, excluding a given fraction in larger and smaller sides.
[Documentation is not open as it is under revision]
実数値のリストから大きい方と小さい方の一定割合を除いた上で 重み付き標準偏差(重みの総和を分母とするもの)を計算する。
Calculate the weighted standard deviation of a list of real numbers, excluding a given fraction in larger and smaller sides; the sum of the weights is used for the denominator.