型 Type |
メンバ名 Name of member |
メンバの意味 Meaning of member |
double | r | 実部。 The real part. |
double | i | 虚部。 The imaginary part. |
型 Type |
メンバ名 Name of member |
メンバの意味 Meaning of member |
FILE ∗ | main | ファイルにアクセスするためのファイルポインタ。 A file pointer to access the file. |
FILE ∗ | keep | ファイルを読み込みモードで開く際に
排他ロックを掛けるためのファイルポインタ。 A file pointer used for an exclusively lock file when the file is opened in the reading mode. |
型 Type |
メンバ名 Name of member |
メンバの意味 Meaning of member |
int | dimension | 元の行列のサイズ。 The size of the original matrix. |
struct im ∗ | eigenvalue | 固有値を並べた配列。 Array composed of the eigenvalues. |
struct im ∗∗ | eigenvector | 固有ベクトルを並べた配列。 An array composed of the eigenvectors.
型 Type |
メンバ名 Name of member |
メンバの意味 Meaning of member |
int | dimension | 元の行列のサイズ。 The size of the original matrix. |
double ∗ | eigenvalue | 固有値を並べた配列。 Array composed of the eigenvalues. |
double ∗∗ | eigenvector | 固有ベクトルを並べた配列。 An array composed of the eigenvectors.
型 Type |
メンバ名 Name of member |
メンバの意味 Meaning of member |
int | year | 年(西暦)。 The year in A.D. |
int | month | 月(1-12)。 The month in 1-12. |
int | day | 日(1-31)。 The day in 1-31. |
int | hour | 時(0-23)。 The hour in 0-23. |
int | min | 分(0-59)。 The minute in 0-59. |
double | sec | 秒(0.0-59.999…)。 The second in 0.0-59.999…. |
型 Type |
メンバ名 Name of member |
メンバの意味 Meaning of member |
int | d | 変換したい変数 The variable to convert |
char | c[sizeof(int)] | 変換のために1バイトずつに割り当てる値 Values assigned to each byte for conversion |
型 Type |
メンバ名 Name of member |
メンバの意味 Meaning of member |
long | d | 変換したい変数 The variable to convert |
char | c[sizeof(long)] | 変換のために1バイトずつに割り当てる値 Values assigned to each byte for conversion |
型 Type |
メンバ名 Name of member |
メンバの意味 Meaning of member |
unsigned long | d | 変換したい変数 The variable to convert |
char | c[sizeof(unsigned long)] | 変換のために1バイトずつに割り当てる値 Values assigned to each byte for conversion |
型 Type |
メンバ名 Name of member |
メンバの意味 Meaning of member |
short | d | 変換したい変数 The variable to convert |
char | c[sizeof(short)] | 変換のために1バイトずつに割り当てる値 Values assigned to each byte for conversion |
型 Type |
メンバ名 Name of member |
メンバの意味 Meaning of member |
unsigned short | d | 変換したい変数 The variable to convert |
char | c[sizeof(unsigned short)] | 変換のために1バイトずつに割り当てる値 Values assigned to each byte for conversion |
型 Type |
メンバ名 Name of member |
メンバの意味 Meaning of member |
float | d | 変換したい変数 The variable to convert |
char | c[sizeof(float)] | 変換のために1バイトずつに割り当てる値 Values assigned to each byte for conversion |
型 Type |
メンバ名 Name of member |
メンバの意味 Meaning of member |
double | d | 変換したい変数 The variable to convert |
char | c[sizeof(double)] | 変換のために1バイトずつに割り当てる値 Values assigned to each byte for conversion |
型 Type |
メンバ名 Name of member |
メンバの意味 Meaning of member |
int | Nv | 扱う1次元配列(位置の関数)の個数。 The number of 1-D arrays (functions of locations) to treat. |
int | Ng | 格子点の総数。
位置の関数のいずれかが値を持つ場所を全て格子点としてカウントする。 The total number of grid nodes, counted as the number of locations where at least one of the functions of locations has a value. |
int ∗∗ | index | 格子点番号と配列要素番号の対応表。
その場所で定義されない場合は\(-1\)を取るものとする。 A table relating each grid node index and array component indices; index[iv][ig] represents the array component index for ivth function (1-D array) at igth location, and this value is \(-1\) if the function is not defined at that place. |
\(j\) | stg.index[0][j] | stg.index[1][j] |
位置\(x=j\Delta x/2\)でのfの配列要素番号 Array component index for f at a location \(x=j\Delta x/2\) |
位置\(x=j\Delta x/2\)でのgの配列要素番号 Array component index for g at a location \(x=j\Delta x/2\) | |
0 | 0 | \(-1\) |
1 | \(-1\) | 0 |
2 | 1 | \(-1\) |
3 | \(-1\) | 1 |
4 | 2 | \(-1\) |
5 | \(-1\) | 2 |
6 | 3 | \(-1\) |
7 | \(-1\) | 3 |
… |
型 Type |
メンバ名 Name of member |
メンバの意味 Meaning of member |
int | sign | 符号。東経と北緯は\(+1\)、西経と南緯は\(-1\)とする。 The sign, which is \(+1\) for east longitudes and north latitudes, and \(-1\) for west longitudes and south latitudes. |
int | deg | 度。0-359の間の整数値を取るものとする。 Degrees, which must be an integer between 0 and 359. |
int | min | 分。0-59の間の整数値を取るものとする。 Minutes, which must be an integer between 0 and 59. |
double | sec | 秒。0.0以上60.0未満の実数値を取るものとする。 Seconds, which must be a real number greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 60.0. |
struct DegMinSec a; double b; if(a.deg>0){ b=a.deg+a.min/60.0+a.sec/3600.0; }else if(a.deg<0){ b=a.deg-a.min/60.0-a.sec/3600.0; }else{ if(a.min>0){ b=a.min/60.0+a.sec/3600.0; }else if(a.min<0){ b=a.min/60.0-a.sec/3600.0; }else{ b=a.sec/3600.0; } } |
struct DegMinSec a; double b; b=a.sign*(a.deg+a.min/60.0+a.deg/3600.0); |
型 Type |
メンバ名 Name of member |
メンバの意味 Meaning of member |
struct humanTime | originTime | 地震の発震日時。 The origin time of an earthquake. |
double | Edeg | 地震の震源の経度(小数単位の度)。東経を正、西経を負とする。 The longitude of the hypocenter of an earthquake in degrees of a decimal fraction. The east and west longitudes are represented by positive and negative values, respectively. |
struct DegMinSec | E60 | 地震の震源の経度(度分秒表記)。 The longitude of the hypocenter of an earthquake in a degree-minute-second representation. |
double | Ndeg | 地震の震源の緯度(小数単位の度)。北緯を正、南緯を負とする。 The latitude of the hypocenter of an earthquake in degrees of a decimal fraction. The north and south latitudes are represented by positive and negative values, respectively. |
struct DegMinSec | N60 | 地震の震源の緯度(度分秒表記)。 The latitude of the hypocenter of an earthquake in a degree-minute-second representation. |
double | depth_km | 地震の震源の深さ(km)。 The depth (km) of the hypocenter of an earthquake. |
double | x | 直交座標系で表した地震の震源位置の\(x\)成分(東方向、m)。
座標原点は1つの解析の中で整合性が取れていれば自由に与えて良い。 The \(x\)-component (east, in meters) of the hypocenter location of an earthquake in a cartesian coordinate system. The origin of the coordinate system can be determined arbitrarily as long as it is consistent throughout an analysis. |
double | y | 直交座標系で表した地震の震源位置の\(y\)成分(北方向、m)。
座標原点は1つの解析の中で整合性が取れていれば自由に与えて良い。 The \(y\)-component (north, in meters) of the hypocenter location of an earthquake in a cartesian coordinate system. The origin of the coordinate system can be determined arbitrarily as long as it is consistent throughout an analysis. |
double | z | 地震の震源の標高(m)。
上向きを正で統一しておく方が分かりやすいため上方向を正にしている。 The altitude (m) of the hypocenter of an earthquake. The origin is taken at sea level, and positive is taken upward. Although the hypocenter of an earthquake is more commonly represented by a depth (positive downward), here the positive is taken upward because ymaeda_opentools mainly assumes analyses in volcanic fields, and because using a convention of positive upward throughout would be more comprehensive in calculations of rays and wavefields from a hypocenter to stations on the ground. |
double | depth_from_surface | 震央の位置における地表面からの深さ(m)。 Depth (m) from the ground surface at the epicenter. |
double | M | 地震のマグニチュード。 The magnitude of an earthquake. |
char | picker[strsize] | 検測者の名前。 Picker name. |
char | label[strsize] | 地震に付けられたラベル。 A label appended to an earthquake. |
char | pick_file[strsize] | 震源決定に使用したP波・S波到着時刻データのファイル名。 Name of a file for the P- and S-wave arrival time data used to locate the earthquake. |
char | trg_file[strsize] | 震源決定に使用したイベント波形データ
のファイル名。 Name of a file for an event waveform data used to locate the earthquake. A single file must include data for all stations and components; WIN format is an example that can satisfy this requirement. |
型 Type |
メンバ名 Name of member |
メンバの意味 Meaning of member |
char | name[strsize] | 観測点名またはコード。
空白を含まない英数字とすること。 Name or code of a station; this value must be composed of alphanumeric characters and must not consist of blanks because this value name may be used as a part of a file name. |
char | name_detail[strsize] | 観測点名(正式名称など)。日本語や空白文字を含んでも良い。 The official name of a station, which can consist of Japanese characters or blanks. |
char | channelCode[strsize] | チャンネルコード。 A channel code. |
double | Edeg | 観測点の経度(小数単位の度)。東経を正、西経を負とする。 The longitude of a station location in degrees of a decimal fraction. The east and west longitudes are represented by positive and negative values, respectively. |
struct DegMinSec | E60 | 観測点の経度(度分秒表記)。 The longitude of a station location in a degree-minute-second representation. |
double | Ndeg | 観測点の緯度(小数単位の度)。北緯を正、南緯を負とする。 The latitude of a station location in degrees of a decimal fraction. The north and south latitudes are represented by positive and negative values, respectively. |
struct DegMinSec | N60 | 観測点の緯度(度分秒表記)。 The latitude of a station location in a degree-minute-second representation. |
double | x | 直交座標系で表した観測点位置の\(x\)成分(東方向、m)。
座標原点は1つの解析の中で整合性が取れていれば自由に与えて良い。 The \(x\)-component (east, in meters) of a station location in a cartesian coordinate system. The origin of the coordinate system can be determined arbitrarily as long as it is consistent throughout an analysis. |
double | y | 直交座標系で表した観測点位置の\(y\)成分(北方向、m)。
座標原点は1つの解析の中で整合性が取れていれば自由に与えて良い。 The \(y\)-component (north, in meters) of a station location in a cartesian coordinate system. The origin of the coordinate system can be determined arbitrarily as long as it is consistent throughout an analysis. |
double | z | 観測点の標高(m)。
海抜を原点とし、上方向を正に取る。 The altitude of a station location. The origin is taken at sea level, and positive is taken upward. |
型 Type |
メンバ名 Name of member |
メンバの意味 Meaning of member |
int | meshCode | メッシュコード。 The mesh code. |
struct DegMinSec | S | メッシュの南端の緯度(度分秒表記)。 The latitude on the southern edge of the mesh by the degree-minute-second representation. |
struct DegMinSec | N | メッシュの北端の緯度(度分秒表記)。 The latitude on the northern edge of the mesh by the degree-minute-second representation. |
struct DegMinSec | W | メッシュの西端の経度(度分秒表記)。 The longitude on the western edge of the mesh by the degree-minute-second representation. |
struct DegMinSec | E | メッシュの東端の経度(度分秒表記)。 The longitude on the eastern edge of the mesh by the degree-minute-second representation. |
double | Sdeg | メッシュの南端の緯度(小数の度表記)。 The latitude on the southern edge of the mesh by the decimal number representation in degree unit. |
double | Ndeg | メッシュの北端の緯度(小数の度表記)。 The latitude on the northern edge of the mesh by the decimal number representation in degree unit. |
double | Wdeg | メッシュの西端の経度(小数の度表記)。 The longitude on the western edge of the mesh by the decimal number representation in degree unit. |
double | Edeg | メッシュの東端の経度(小数の度表記)。 The longitude on the eastern edge of the mesh by the decimal number representation in degree unit. |
型 Type |
メンバ名 Name of member |
メンバの意味 Meaning of member |
int | ip1 | 三角形を構成する1つ目の頂点の点番号。
「点番号」とはその配列要素番号のことである。 The index of point for the 1st convex of the triangle. A list of points is assumed to be given as a separate array. The “index of point” refers to the index of this array. |
int | ip2 | 三角形を構成する2つ目の頂点の点番号。 The index of point for the 2nd convex of the triangle. |
int | ip3 | 三角形を構成する3つ目の頂点の点番号。 The index of point for the 3rd convex of the triangle. |
double | p1[3] | 三角形を構成する1つ目の頂点の\(x\), \(y\), \(z\)座標を並べた配列。 An array composed of the \(x\)-, \(y\)-, and \(z\)-coordinates of the 1st convex of the triangle. |
double | p2[3] | 三角形を構成する2つ目の頂点の\(x\), \(y\), \(z\)座標を並べた配列。 An array composed of the \(x\)-, \(y\)-, and \(z\)-coordinates of the 2nd convex of the triangle. |
double | p3[3] | 三角形を構成する3つ目の頂点の\(x\), \(y\), \(z\)座標を並べた配列。 An array composed of the \(x\)-, \(y\)-, and \(z\)-coordinates of the 3rd convex of the triangle. |
double | outerCircle_center[3] | 三角形の外接円の中心点の\(x\), \(y\), \(z\)座標を並べた配列。 An array composed of the \(x\)-, \(y\)-, and \(z\)-coordinates of the center of the circumscribed circle of the triangle. |
double | outerCircle_radius | 三角形の外接円の半径。 The radius of the circumscribed circle of the triangle. |
double | normalVector[3] | 三角形の単位法線ベクトル。
メンバp1, p2, p3で与えられる点を順に\(P_1\), \(P_2\), \(P_3\)として、
の向きに取る。 The unit normal vector of the triangle oriented in a direction of \(\overrightarrow{P_1P_2}\times\overrightarrow{P_1P_3}\), where \(P_1\), \(P_2\), and \(P_3\) are the points given by members p1, p2, and p3, respectively. |
型 Type |
メンバ名 Name of member |
メンバの意味 Meaning of member |
int | Ndata | データ点の個数。 The number of data points. |
double ∗ | x | データ点の\(x\)座標を並べた配列。 An array composed of the \(x\)-coordinates of data points. |
double ∗ | y | データ点の\(y\)座標をxと同じ順番で並べた配列。 An array composed of the \(y\)-coordinates of data points in the same order as x. |
double ∗ | elevation | データ点の標高をxと同じ順番で並べた配列。 An array composed of the altitudes of data points in the same order as x. |