関数TF_add_near_field マニュアル

(The documentation of function TF_add_near_field)

Last Update: 2024/12/27


近地項からの寄与 \[\begin{eqnarray} h(t) &\equiv & A\int_{t_{st}}^{t_{en}}\tau f(t-\tau)d\tau \nonumber \\ &=& -A[t_{en}F_1(t-t_{en})-t_{st}F_1(t-t_{st})] -A[F_2(t-t_{en})-F_2(t-t_{st})] \label{eq.term} \end{eqnarray}\] を波形に加算する。 ここで\(f(t)\)は震源時間関数、\(F_1(t)\)はその1階積分、\(F_2(t)\)は2階積分、 \(A\), \(t_{st}\), \(t_{en}\)は定数とする。
Add the contribution from a near-field term (Eq. \ref{eq.term}) to a waveform, where \(f(t)\) is a source time function, \(F_1(t)\) and \(F_2(t)\) are its 1st- and 2nd-order integrals, respectively, and \(A\), \(t_{st}\), and \(t_{en}\) are constants.


#include "WIHM_sub/timefunc.h"
inline void TF_add_near_field
(struct sequence seq,
 const struct sequence stfun_int1,const struct sequence stfun_int2,
 const double t_st,const double t_en,const double amp)


seq 近地項の寄与を加算したい時系列データ。関数内で値が置き換わる。
The time series data to which the contribution from the near-field term is to be added. The values of this time series data are replaced within the function.
stfun_int1 震源時間関数\(f(t)\)の1階積分\(F_1(t)\)の波形。
The waveform of \(F_1(t)\), which represents the 1st-order integral of a source time function \(f(t)\).
stfun_int2 震源時間関数\(f(t)\)の2階積分\(F_2(t)\)の波形。
The waveform of \(F_2(t)\), which represents the 2nd-order integral of a source time function \(f(t)\).
t_st 積分区間の先頭時刻(\ref{eq.term}式の\(t_{st}\))。
The start time of the integral; \(t_{st}\) in Eq. (\ref{eq.term}).
t_en 積分区間の末尾時刻(\ref{eq.term}式の\(t_{en}\))。
The end time of the integral; \(t_{en}\) in Eq. (\ref{eq.term}).
amp (\ref{eq.term})式の係数\(A\)。
The coefficient \(A\) of Eq. (\ref{eq.term}).


Add a time series data expressed by Eq. (\ref{eq.term}) to argument seq.