関数TF_add_stfun マニュアル

(The documentation of function TF_add_stfun)

Last Update: 2024/12/27


Add a source time function to a waveform.


#include "WIHM_sub/timefunc.h"
inline void TF_add_stfun
(struct sequence seq,const struct sequence stfun,
 const double t0,const double amp)


seq 時間関数を加算したい時系列データ。関数内で値が置き換わる。
The time series data to which the time function is to be added. The values of this time series data are replaced within the function.
stfun 震源時間関数\(f(t)\)の波形。
The waveform of a source time function \(f(t)\).
t0 走時\(t_0\)。
A travel time.
amp 振幅係数\(A\)。
The coefficient of amplitude \(A\).


Add \(Af(t-t_0)\) to argument seq.