関数TF_create_stfun マニュアル

(The documentation of function TF_create_stfun)

Last Update: 2024/12/27


Create the waveforms of source time functions.


#include "WIHM_sub/timefunc.h"
inline struct TF_stfun ∗TF_create_stfun
(const struct TF_parameters parameters, const struct tws_source ∗source)


parameters 関数TF_set_parametersを用いて設定したパラメータ一式。
Parameters determined by function TF_set_parameters.
source 地震波動ソースの設定を全てのソースについて並べた配列。
An array composed of the configurations of all seismic wave sources.

◆戻り値(Return value)

An array composed of the source time functions of all seismic wave sources, their derivatives, and their 1st- and 2nd-order integrals.