関数TF_merge_topography_structure マニュアル

(The documentation of function TF_merge_topography_structure)

Last Update: 2023/12/13


複数のstruct topography型構造体(配列)で与えられた地形データを 1つの構造体に統合する
Merge topography data given by multiple struct topography-type structures into a single structure.


#include "waterPML_sub/topography.h"
inline struct topography TF_merge_topography_structure
(const struct waterPML_parameters parameters,
 const struct topography ∗data_original)


parameters 関数TF_set_parameters によってメンバの値の設定を済ませた構造体。
A structure whose members were set by function TF_set_parameters.
data_original 関数TF_read_topography_structure を用いて個々のファイルから読み込んだ地形データを並べた配列。
An array composed of the topography data that were read from individual files using function TF_read_topography_structure.

◆戻り値(Return value)

A structure that represents the merged topography data.