
(The documentation of function read_imsequence2_file_)

Last Update: 2023/9/25


Read a Fourier spectrum from a file.


#include <sequence/readwrite.h>
inline struct imsequence2 read_imsequence2_file_
(const char ∗inputfile,const char ∗mode)


inputfile 入力ファイル名。 拡張子はymaeda_opentoolsのフーリエスペクトルの入出力ファイル形式 (独自のファイル形式参照) のいずれかとする。
The input file name. The extension must be one of the file formats of a Fourier spectrum (see special file format).
mode 以下のいずれかの文字列。
One of the strings below.

  • "strict"
    Check if the input file satisfies the format requirements while reading.

  • "fast"
    Quickly read the file by skipping the format checks.

◆戻り値(Return value)

The Fourier spectrum read.


struct imsequence2 seq=read_imsequence2_file_ ("data.imseq1","strict");

◆補足(Additional notes)

従来、read_imsequence2_fileという名前の関数(末尾の「_」無し)を使用しており、 そこには第2引数(mode)は存在せず常に"strict"モードで読み込んでいた。 read_imsequence2_fileを使った既存のプログラムを書き換えなくても済むように、 関数を現在のものに変更した際に 関数形式マクロread_imsequence2_fileを用意した。
Originally, a function read_imsequence2_file (without “_” at the end) has been used, which did not consist of the 2nd argument (“mode”) and has always been operated with the "strict" mode. To avoid rewriting existing programs that have used the function read_imsequence2_file, a function-type macro with the same name was made available.