export YMAEDA_OPENTOOL_DIR=/usr/local/ymaeda_opentools source $YMAEDA_OPENTOOL_DIR/share/initall.bashrc |
setenv YMAEDA_OPENTOOL_DIR /usr/local/ymaeda_opentools source $YMAEDA_OPENTOOL_DIR/share/initall.cshrc |
export USE_OPENMP=yes source $YMAEDA_OPENTOOL_DIR/share/initall.bashrc |
source $YMAEDA_OPENTOOL_DIR/share/initall.bashrc export USE_OPENMP=yes |
サブパッケージ名 Sub package Name |
説明 Description |
3d_data | 3次元データファイルに対して様々な処理を行うプログラム。 Programs to perform various processings for 3-D data files. |
event_detection | 長時間の時系列データ(地震波の連続波形など)を用いて
その中に含まれるイベントを検知するプログラム。 Programs to detect events from a long time series data (e.g., a continuous seismic waveform). |
general | 一般的なデータ解析を行うプログラム。 Programs to perform general data analysis. |
geography | 地理関係の処理を行うプログラム。 Programs to perform processings for geography. |
hypo | 震源決定を行うプログラム。 Programs to determine hypocenters. |
matrix | 行列のファイルに対して様々な処理を行うプログラム。 Programs to perform various operations for matrix files. |
opentws | 地震波動場の数値シミュレーションを行うプログラム。 Programs to perform numerical simulations for seismic wavefield. |
sac_data | Seismic Analysis Code (SAC)のデータファイルに対して
様々な処理を行うプログラム。 Programs to perform various operations for data files of Seismic Analysis Code (SAC). |
sequence | 時系列データやスペクトルのファイルに対して様々な処理を行うプログラム。 Programs to perform various processings for time series and spectral data files. |
structural_survey | 地下構造の推定を行うプログラム。 Programs to estimate subsurface structures. |
win_data | WIN形式(日本の標準的な地震波形データフォーマット)
のデータファイルに対して様々な処理を行うプログラム。 Programs to perform various operations for data files of WIN format, which is the Japanese standard format for seismic waveform data. |
winv | 地震ソースに関する波形インバージョンを行うプログラム。 Programs to perform waveform inversion for seismic sources. |
xml | Extensible Markup Language (XML)ファイルに対して
様々な処理を行うプログラム。 Programs to perform various operations for Extensible Markup Language (XML) files. |
使用したプログラム(コマンド) Program (command) used |
含めるべき引用 Citations to be included |
calculate_crack_frequency | Maeda Y, Kumagai H (2017) A generalized equation for the resonance frequencies of a fluid-filled crack, Geophys J Int 209(1), 192-201. https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggx019 |
detect_inflation | Maeda Y (2023) A systematic survey for precursory tilt changes at all monitored eruptions in Japan, J Volcanol Geotherm Res, 439, 107831. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2023.107831 |
detect_inflation_preeruptive2 | Maeda Y (2023) A systematic survey for precursory tilt changes at all monitored eruptions in Japan, J Volcanol Geotherm Res, 439, 107831. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2023.107831 |
detect_VLP | Kazahaya R, Maeda Y, Mori T, Shinohara H, Takeo M (2015) Changes to the volcanic outgassing mechanism and very-long-period seismicity from 2007 to 2011 at Mt. Asama, Japan, Earth Planet Sci Lett 418, 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2015.02.034 |
reflection_response_event | Maeda Y, Watanabe T (2022) Estimating errors in autocorrelation functions for reliable investigations of reflection profiles, Earth Planets Space 74, 48. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40623-022-01606-5 |
sacfile_get_signal_ratio | Maeda Y, Yamanaka Y, Ito T, Horikawa S (2020) Machine learning based detection of volcano seismicity using the spatial pattern of amplitudes, Geophys J Int 225(1), 416-444. https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggaa593 |
sequencefile2phaseSpace | Maeda Y, Kato A, Yamanaka Y (2017) Modeling the dynamics of a phreatic eruption based on a tilt observation: Barrier breakage leading to the 2014 eruption of Mount Ontake, Japan, J Geophys Res Solid Earth 122(2), 1007-1024. https://doi.org/10.1002/2016JB013739 |
waterPML |
winv | Maeda Y, Takeo M, Ohminato T (2011) A waveform inversion including tilt: method and simple tests, Geophys J Int 184(2), 907-918. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04892.x |
上記以外 Other |