waterPML --Nx=101 --Npmx=10 --x0=-505.0 --y0=-505.0 --z0=-1000.0 --dx=10.0 --dt=0.001 --tmax=10.0 --structure_file=structure.ini --structure_file_format=layer --source_file=source2.ini --output_dir=result02 --station_file=station_list2.dat --topography_files=topography_flat.dat --topography_file_format=xy |
-600.0[TAB]-600.0[TAB]0.0 -600.0[TAB]600.0[TAB]0.0 600.0[TAB]-600.0[TAB]0.0 600.0[TAB]600.0[TAB]0.0 |
newsource isotropic location_x=0.0 location_y=0.0 location_z=-505.0 mechanism=isotropic intensity=1.0 stfun_name=pow5 stfun_tp=5.0 |
d5[TAB]200.0[TAB]0.0[TAB]surface-5.0 d15[TAB]200.0[TAB]0.0[TAB]surface-15.0 d25[TAB]200.0[TAB]0.0[TAB]surface-25.0 d35[TAB]200.0[TAB]0.0[TAB]surface-35.0 |
cd result02/waveform sequencefile_integral d5.Vx.seq1 d5.Ux.seq2 sequencefile_integral d15.Vx.seq1 d15.Ux.seq2 sequencefile_integral d25.Vx.seq1 d25.Ux.seq2 sequencefile_integral d35.Vx.seq1 d35.Ux.seq2 cd ../.. |
mkdir result02_waveform_comparison cd result02_waveform_comparison gmt begin comparison ps gmt set FONT_ANNOT_PRIMARY 12p awk '(NF==2){ print $1,$2*1e+17 }' ../DWM_result_waveforms/depth500.seq2 | gmt plot -R0/12.75/-0.5/3.5 -JX10/7 -Xa3 -Ya3 -W2,0/160/0,2_2 awk '(NF==2){ print $1,$2*1e+17 }' ../DWM_result_waveforms/depth510.seq2 | gmt plot -R0/12.75/-0.5/3.5 -JX10/7 -Xa3 -Ya3 -W2,0/0/255,2_2 awk '(NF==2){ print $1,$2*1e+17 }' ../result02/waveform/d5.Ux.seq2 | gmt plot -R0/12.75/-0.5/3.5 -JX10/7 -Xa3 -Ya3 -W1,255/0/0 awk '(NF==2){ print $1,$2*1e+17 }' ../result02/waveform/d15.Ux.seq2 | gmt plot -R0/12.75/-0.5/3.5 -JX10/7 -Xa3 -Ya3 -W1,0/127/255 awk '(NF==2){ print $1,$2*1e+17 }' ../result02/waveform/d25.Ux.seq2 | gmt plot -R0/12.75/-0.5/3.5 -JX10/7 -Xa3 -Ya3 -W1,160/0/160 awk '(NF==2){ print $1,$2*1e+17 }' ../result02/waveform/d35.Ux.seq2 | gmt plot -R0/12.75/-0.5/3.5 -JX10/7 -Xa3 -Ya3 -W1,200/150/100 -Bxa2f1 -Bya1f0.5 -BWSen gmt text -R0/21/0/29.7 -JX21/29.7 -Xa0 -Ya0 -F+f12p+a+j <<EOF 8 2.2 0 CT Time (s) 2.2 6.5 90 CB Displacement (10@+-17@+ m) EOF gmt end |
![]() 図1. 水平位置\((x,y)=(200,0)\)における\(x\)成分の変位波形。 実線はwaterPMLコマンドの結果であり、(0,0,-505)の位置にソースを置いたときの 地表下5 m(赤)、15 m(水色)、25 m(紫)、35 m(茶色)の計算結果を示す。 点線は波数積分法による地表での変位を示しており、 緑はソースを(0,0,-500)に置いた場合の結果、 青はソースを(0,0,-510)に置いた場合の結果である。 Fig. 1. Displacement waveforms (\(x\)-component) at a horizontal location \((x,y)=(200,0)\). Solid lines show the results from the waterPML command, where the source is located at (0,0,-505) and the station is located at 5 m (red), 15 m (light blue), 25 m (cyan), and 35 m (brown) below the ground surface. Dotted lines show the results from the discrete wavenumber method, where the station is located at the ground surface and the source is located at (0,0,-500) and (0,0,-510) in cases of the green and blue lines, respectively. |