sequence/readwrite.h マニュアル

(The documentation of sequence/readwrite.h)

Last Update: 2023/9/25

sequence/readwrite.hでは 時系列データやフーリエスペクトルの入出力を行う関数が定義されている。 このヘッダファイル内で定義されている関数を以下に示す。 各関数の詳細は関数名をクリックしてリンク先を参照のこと。
Functions to read and write time series or Fourier spectral data are defined in sequence/readwrite.h. Functions defined in this header file are listed below. For details of individual functions, click the links.

入出力ファイル形式については 独自のファイル形式 参照。
The input/output file formats are described in Special file formats.

Function name
Supported structure type
[Documentation is not open as it is under revision]
struct sequence 時系列データやフーリエスペクトルを 標準入力から対話的に読み込む。
Read a time series data or a Fourier spectrum interactively from the standard input.
[Documentation is not open as it is under revision]
struct imsequence
[Documentation is not open as it is under revision]
struct imsequence2
read_sequence_file_ struct sequence 時系列データやフーリエスペクトルを ファイルから読み込む。
Read a time series data or a Fourier spectrum from a file.
read_imsequence_file_ struct imsequence
read_imsequence2_file_ struct imsequence2
[Documentation is not open as it is under revision]
struct sequence 時系列データやフーリエスペクトルを 標準出力に書き出す。
Write a time series data or a Fourier spectrum to the standard output.
[Documentation is not open as it is under revision]
struct imsequence
[Documentation is not open as it is under revision]
struct imsequence2
write_sequence_file struct sequence 時系列データやフーリエスペクトルを ファイルに書き出す。
Write a time series data or a Fourier spectrum to a file.
write_imsequence_file struct imsequence
write_imsequence2_file struct imsequence2