関数名 Function name |
対象とする型 Supported structure type |
機能・用途 Purpose |
sequence_cpy | struct sequence |
時系列データやフーリエスペクトルをコピーする。 Copy a time series data or a Fourier spectrum. |
imsequence_cpy | struct imsequence | |
imsequence2_cpy | struct imsequence2 | |
cut_sequence | struct sequence |
範囲を配列要素番号で指定する。 Extract a necessary time or frequency range from a time series data or Fourier spectrum; the range is specified by array indices. |
cut_imsequence | struct imsequence | |
cut_imsequence2 | struct imsequence2 | |
cut_sequence_time | struct sequence |
範囲を時刻で指定する。 Extract a necessary time range from a time series data; the range is specified by time. |
cut_imsequence2_time | struct imsequence2 | |
merge_sequence | struct sequence |
1つの時系列データ/フーリエスペクトルにまとめる。 Merge two time series data with consecutive time windows, or two Fourier spectra with consecutive frequency windows, to a single time series data or Fourier spectrum. |
merge_imsequence | struct imsequence | |
merge_imsequence2 | struct imsequence2 | |
merge_sequence_with_gap_overlap | struct sequence | サンプルに抜けや重複がある(かもしれない)2つの時系列データやフーリエスペクトルを
1つの時系列データ/フーリエスペクトルにまとめる。 Merge two time series data or two Fourier spectra, that may have gaps or overlaps in the data samples, to a single time series data or Fourier spectrum. |
merge_sequence_multi | struct sequence | 時間窓が連続する複数の時系列データや
1つの時系列データ/フーリエスペクトルにまとめる。 Merge multiple time series data with consecutive time windows, or multiple Fourier spectra with consecutive frequency windows, to a single time series data or Fourier spectrum. |
sequence_plus_sequence | struct sequence |
の和(構造体\(+\)構造体)を計算する。 Compute the summation of two time series data or Fourier spectra that have the same definition range (i.e., structure \(+\) structure). |
imsequence_plus_imsequence | struct imsequence | |
imsequence2_plus_imsequence2 | struct imsequence2 | |
sequence_plus_sequence_overwrite | struct sequence |
計算結果で第1引数を上書きする。 Compute the summation of two time series data or Fourier spectra that have the same definition range (i.e., structure \(+\) structure). The 1st argument is replaced by the computation result. |
imsequence2_plus_imsequence2_overwrite | struct imsequence2 | |
sequence_minus_sequence | struct sequence |
の差(構造体\(-\)構造体)を計算する。 Compute the difference of two time series data or Fourier spectra that have the same definition range (i.e., structure \(-\) structure). |
imsequence_minus_imsequence | struct imsequence | |
imsequence2_minus_imsequence2 | struct imsequence2 | |
sequence_minus_sequence_overwrite | struct sequence |
計算結果で第1引数を上書きする。 Compute the difference of two time series data or Fourier spectra that have the same definition range (i.e., structure \(-\) structure). The 1st argument is replaced by the computation result. |
imsequence2_minus_imsequence2_overwrite | struct imsequence2 | |
sequence_times_sequence | struct sequence |
の積(構造体×構造体)を計算する。 Compute the product of two time series data or Fourier spectra that have the same definition range (i.e., structure × structure). |
imsequence_times_imsequence | struct imsequence | |
imsequence2_times_imsequence2 | struct imsequence2 | |
sequence_divided_by_sequence | struct sequence |
の商(構造体÷構造体)を計算する。 Compute the quotient of two time series data or Fourier spectra that have the same definition range (i.e., structure ÷ structure). |
imsequence_divided_by_imsequence | struct imsequence | |
imsequence2_divided_by_imsequence2 | struct imsequence2 | |
sequence_plus_double | struct sequence |
(構造体\(+\)定数)。 Add a constant value to a time series data or a Fourier spectrum (i.e., structure \(+\) constant). |
imsequence_plus_im | struct imsequence | |
imsequence2_plus_complex | struct imsequence2 | |
sequence_plus_double_overwrite | struct sequence |
計算結果で第1引数を上書きする。 Add a constant value to a time series data or a Fourier spectrum (i.e., structure \(+\) constant). The 1st argument is replaced by the computation result. |
imsequence2_plus_complex_overwrite | struct imsequence2 | |
sequence_minus_double | struct sequence |
(構造体\(-\)定数)。 Subtract a constant value from a time series data or a Fourier spectrum (i.e., structure \(-\) constant). |
imsequence_minus_im | struct imsequence | |
imsequence2_minus_complex | struct imsequence2 | |
sequence_minus_double_overwrite | struct sequence |
計算結果で第1引数を上書きする。 Subtract a constant value from a time series data or a Fourier spectrum (i.e., structure \(-\) constant). The 1st argument is replaced by the computation result. |
imsequence2_minus_complex_overwrite | struct imsequence2 | |
sequence_times_double | struct sequence |
(構造体×定数)。 Multiply a constant value with a time series data or a Fourier spectrum (i.e., structure × constant). |
imsequence_times_im | struct imsequence | |
imsequence2_times_complex | struct imsequence2 | |
sequence_times_double_overwrite | struct sequence |
計算結果で第1引数を上書きする。 Multiply a constant value with a time series data or a Fourier spectrum (i.e., structure × constant). The 1st argument is replaced by the computation result. |
imsequence2_times_complex_overwrite | struct imsequence2 | |
sequence_divided_by_double | struct sequence |
(構造体÷定数)。 Divide a time series data or a Fourier spectrum by a constant value (i.e., structure ÷ constant). |
imsequence_divided_by_im | struct imsequence | |
imsequence2_divided_by_complex | struct imsequence2 | |
sequence_divided_by_double_overwrite | struct sequence |
計算結果で第1引数を上書きする。 Divide a time series data or a Fourier spectrum by a constant value (i.e., structure ÷ constant). The 1st argument is replaced by the computation result. |
imsequence2_divided_by_complex_overwrite | struct imsequence2 | |
imsequence_conjugate 【マニュアル改訂中につき非公開】 [Documentation is not open as it is under revision] |
struct imsequence |
フーリエスペクトルの複素共役を計算する。 Compute the complex conjugate of a Fourier spectrum. |
imsequence2_conjugate 【マニュアル改訂中につき非公開】 [Documentation is not open as it is under revision] |
struct imsequence2 | |
rotate_sequence 【マニュアル改訂中につき非公開】 [Documentation is not open as it is under revision] |
struct sequence | ベクトル量の面内での振動のデータ(2つの時系列データの組)
において、使用する座標軸を回転する。 Rotate the coordinate axes used to express the oscillation data of a vector quantity in a plane. |
sequence_integral | struct sequence | 時系列データを積分する。 Compute the integral of a time series data. |
sequence_differentiate | struct sequence | 時系列データを微分する。 Compute the derivative of a time series data. |
sequence_twice_differentiate | struct sequence | 時系列データを2階微分する。 Compute the 2nd-order derivative of a time series data. |
sequence_decimate | struct sequence |
時系列データやフーリエスペクトルのサンプルを間引く。 Reduce the samples of a time series data or a Fourier spectrum. |
imsequence2_decimate | struct imsequence2 | |
sequence_decimate_with_mode | struct sequence | 時系列データやフーリエスペクトルのサンプルを間引く。
間引き後に用いる値を指定する。 Reduce the samples of a time series data or a Fourier spectrum, specifying the values to be used in the resampled data. |
sequence_rmean 【マニュアル改訂中につき非公開】 [Documentation is not open as it is under revision] |
struct sequence | 時系列データから平均値を差し引く。 Subtract the mean of a time series data. |
sequence_rtrend 【マニュアル改訂中につき非公開】 [Documentation is not open as it is under revision] |
struct sequence | 時系列データから線形トレンドを差し引く。 Subtract the linear trend of a time series data. |
sequence_rmean_rtrend 【マニュアル改訂中につき非公開】 [Documentation is not open as it is under revision] |
struct sequence | 時系列データから平均値と線形トレンドを差し引く。 Subtract the mean and linear trend of a time series data. |
sequence_weighted_sum 【マニュアル改訂中につき非公開】 [Documentation is not open as it is under revision] |
struct sequence | 複数の時系列データの重み付け和を計算する。 Compute the weighted summation of multiple time series data. |
sequence_SNratio 【マニュアル改訂中につき非公開】 [Documentation is not open as it is under revision] |
struct sequence | 時系列データのシグナル・ノイズ比(S/N比)を計算する。 Compute the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio of a time series data. |
sequence_moving_average | struct sequence | 時系列データの移動平均を計算する。 Compute the moving average of a time series data. |
sequence_moving_absolute_average | struct sequence | 時系列データの絶対値移動平均を計算する。 Compute the moving absolute average of a time series data. |