パラメータ名 Parameter name |
意味 Meaning |
可能なパラメータ値 Allowed parameter values |
デフォルト値 Default value |
structure_file_format | 使用する地下構造の種類。 Type of the subsurface structure used. |
stratified |
structure_file | 使用する地下構造ファイル名。 The name of a file for the subsurface structure used. ファイルの書式は以下の通りとする。 The format of this file is as follows.
ファイル名を表す文字列。 A string that represents a file name. |
省略不可 Cannot be omitted |
station_z | ボアホール観測点の標高[m](上向きを正)。
The altitude [m] (positive: upward) of the borehole station. Note that the station is at the lower bound of the computational volume in this program. |
この値以上でなければならない。A real number less than the ground surface altitude given by the 1st line of the structure file. In cases where the seismic velocity is given as a piecewise linear function of depth
(structure_file_format=linear) ,
the station altitude must be greater than or equal to
the altitude in the final line of the structure file
that represents the lower bound of the definition range
of the velocity structure.
| 省略不可 Cannot be omitted |
inputfile | ボアホール観測点での速度波形のファイル名。
いずれか1つの成分(上下動又は水平動)の波形を与える。 The name of file that represents the velocity waveform at the borehole station; either a vertical or a horizontal component.
aseq1, aseq2は未対応。
SAC形式の場合は拡張子を小文字の「.sac」とすること。 A string that represents a file name. The file format is automatically identified based on the extention of the file name. The aseq1 and aseq2 formats are not supported. In case of a SAC format, use “.sac” (small letters) for the extension. |
省略不可 Cannot be omitted |
outputfile | 計算した地表での波形の出力先ファイル名。 The name of an output file for the waveform at the ground surface computed.
aseq1, aseq2は未対応。 A string that represents a file name, which ends with an extension that corresponds to a time series data format of ymaeda_opentools other than aseq1 and aseq2. |
省略不可 Cannot be omitted |
outputfile_station | 実際に計算に使用したボアホール観測点での波形の出力先ファイル名。
差分計算の時間刻み\(\Delta t\)に合わせて補間した波形が用いられる。
このパラメータで指定したファイルに出力される。 The name of an output file for the waveform at the borehole station that was actually used. In the computation, the waveform in the file specified by parameter inputfile is not used directly; instead, a waveform interpolated to a sampling rate of the FDM computation (\(\Delta t\)) is used. This interpolated waveform is written into the file specified by this parameter for check. |
aseq1, aseq2は未対応。 A string that represents a file name, which ends with an extension that corresponds to a time series data format of ymaeda_opentools other than aseq1 and aseq2. |
省略時はこの波形が出力されない。 This waveform is not written when this option is omitted. |
outputdir_snapshot | 速度場のスナップショットの出力先ディレクトリ名。 The name of a directory to output the snapshots of the velocity field. |
ディレクトリ名を表す文字列。 A string that represents a directory name. |
省略時はスナップショットが出力されない。 The snapshots are not created when this option is omitted. |
dz | 差分計算に用いるグリッド間隔\(\Delta z\)[m]。 The grid interval \(\Delta z\) [m] used for the FDM computation. 下記「検証」で示すように 差分計算で通常考えられているよりも かなり細かいグリッド刻みが必要であり、 数値テストの結果からはナイキスト周波数に対応する波長の中に 200グリッド以上が入ることが望ましい。 The grid interval should be substantially smaller than that normally considered in FDM calculations; numerical tests suggest that at least 200 grids in one wavelength of the Nyquist frequency is desiable as shown in the “Validation” section below. |
staggered gridにおいてボアホール観測点(計算領域下端)で速度、
地表とボアホール観測点の標高差を\(\Delta z\)で割った値が
整数値\(+1/2\)となるように与えなければならない。 A positive real number that satisfies a requirement that the altitude difference between the ground surface and the borehole station is an integer \(+1/2\); this requirement is to enable the velocity and stress to be defined at the borehole station and ground surface, which corresponds to the lower and upper bounds of the computational volume, respectively. |
可能な最大の\(\Delta z\)。 The maximum possible \(\Delta z\) less than 1/200 of the time stepping of the observed waveform multiplied by the minimum seismic wave velocity. |
dt | 差分計算に用いる時間刻み\(\Delta t\)[s]。 The time stepping \(\Delta t\) [s] used for the FDM computation. |
\(\Delta t<\Delta z/(\sqrt{3}V_{max})\)でなければならない。
また観測波形の時間刻みの整数分の1でなければならない。 A positive real number that satisfies \(\Delta t<\Delta z/(\sqrt{3}V_{max})\), where \(V_{max}\) is the maximum seismic wave velocity. Also, the value must be a divisor of the time stepping of the observed waveform. |
\(\Delta t<\Delta z/(\sqrt{3}V_{max})\)の条件を満たし、
最大の\(\Delta t\)。 The maximum possible \(\Delta t\) that satisfies \(\Delta t<\Delta z/(\sqrt{3}V_{max})\) and is divisor of the time stepping of the observed waveform expressed by a finite number of decimal digits. |
dt_snapshot | スナップショットを出力する時間間隔[s]。 The time interval [s] to output the snapshots. |
正の実数。パラメータdtの値の整数倍でなければならない。 A positive real number that is an integer multiple of the value of parameter dt. |
観測波形(パラメータinputfile)の時間刻み。 The sampling interval of the observed waveform specified by parameter inputfile. |
tmax | 計算する波形の時間長さ[s]。 Time length [s] of the waveform to compute. |
\(\Delta t\)以上かつ観測波形の長さ以下の正の実数。 A positive real number greater than or equal to \(\Delta t\) and less than or equal to the length of the observed waveform. |
観測波形の長さ。 The length of the observed waveform. |
100.0[TAB]2000.0 -200.0[TAB]4000.0 -1000.0[TAB]6000.0 |
![]() 図1. 上記のstructure.iniが表す速度構造。 (a)例1(structure_file_format=stratified)の場合。 (b)例2(structure_file_format=linear)の場合。 Fig. 1. The velocity structure expressed by sructure.ini above. (a) In case of Example 1, where structure_file_format=stratified. (b) In case of Example 2, where structure_file_format=linear. |